Jose Jose hails from Cartagena, Colombia. Though most of the people in this city are financially poor, they are extremely culturally wealthy. Jose Jose grew up in an environment of strong social connections and close family relationships where he was nurtured to be generous and grateful. Jose Jose was first introduced to CONTRA-TIEMPO through a community member who recognized the spirit of the organization in his movement. He then volunteered at a community event held at Helm’s Bakery in Culver City, CA. There he was able to learn more through the experience of CONTRA-TIEMPO’S notable sabor sessions and choreographic lab. Jose Jose joined as an apprentice in January 2023, and premiered ¡azúcar! with the company in Raleigh, North Carolina in March 2023. Jose Jose is proud to be the first person in his family to earn an international BFA. He looks forward to continuing his education in Arts Management and Administration, so that he can bring dance back to Colombia. Jose Jose received his BFA from Northwestern State University of Louisiana in May 2022. He has toured nationally and internationally with companies such as Diavolo Architecture in Motion, Blue13 Dance Company, and Diabolique Cabaret of Colombia.

Jose Jose enjoys dancing to the drums - it fills him with adrenaline, opens up his awareness and links him to ancestral wisdoms. He hopes to create spaces where people feel free to explore their bodies, uplift their spirit and connect with their roots.